This year, I planted something I've never actually seen before: strawberry spinach. I bought the seed packet last year from Seed Savers Exchange, but I didn't get around to planting any last year. This year, I planted some of the tiny seeds in pots on the front porch:
The "strawberries" are edible, and tasty. Lydia and I tried them yesterday. The leaves are edible, too, and can be used in place of spinach. We've eaten some in salad and in pesto, and I haven't noticed a distinct flavor for them, really. They are pretty bland, like leaf lettuce, but they are supposed to be very nutritious. All in all, this is a very pretty edible, and would look great in landscaping, with the bonus that you can eat it. Next year I may plant more in my front flower beds, to add some color there (when we're not snitching all the berries).
This is our front flower bed. Although it is currently lacking some actual flowers (with the exception of the lilies) I do love all of the vibrant greens. That light green ground cover started very small in one corner of the bed, but now it is filling in everywhere, and that has helped keep out the weeds and improve the look of the bed tremendously.

Part of the front porch. I get good sunlight here, and until recently, the squirrels never visited the front porch (I did see one yesterday). So I've got lots of potted herbs and etc here. You can see that one of the strawberry spinach plants is to the far left, next to a pot that's supposed to be growing marigolds (not sure that it ever actually will, though), next to a pink blueberry plant, then a Bulgarian pepper, basil, mint, and carrots. I've got some more pots to the left of the strawberry spinach, too, holding more basil, strawberry spinach, carrots, and dill. There is also a big planter full of carrots on the railing. We really like carrots, and we've had better luck in pots, although I do have some growing in the garden by the deck, too. So that's the tour of my front porch. It may be small, but we fit quite a bit onto it, which helps because I cram so much into my yard gardens!