I was looking forward to diving into Elizabeth Camden's latest historical novel, From This Moment, and it did not disappoint. Main characters Stella and Romulus are people that you want to root for, and I enjoyed watching their characters develop throughout the novel. The mystery of what happened to Stella's sister is intriguing, and her single-minded quest to find answers feels authentic. There are several twists in this story, and it was a solidly good read from start to finish. Like Camden's other books, the historical details in From This Moment are charming. I love how the author weaves the science of the times into her stories. I also liked how secondary characters Evelyn and Clyde were woven into the story. The insecurities, faults, and virtues of all of the main characters give the reader a treat; the characters flesh out as real people. I highly recommend this book.
I was given a copy of this book by the publisher, Bethany House, but all opinions are my own.