Nathaniel and I had a lovely 3-day getaway to the Red River Gorge, and this is a preview of that, but I am going to save more of those pictures for future posts. On the way home Thursday, we stopped at Rural King and bought 4 ducklings and 2 turkey poults.

This time, the poultry purchase was all Nathaniel's fault, but I gotta say, those ducklings are the cutest things. (That is a turkey poult on the left of the ducklings.)
We separated them from the chicks in the brooder for just two nights, because there isn't enough room for 23 meat chicks, 8 regular chicks, 2 poults, and 4 ducklings. So now the meat birds are enjoying a spacious covered area outdoors:
And the rest are enjoying much more room to move in the brooder: