Monday, March 3, 2025


 The boys have had some achievements lately that I never posted.  First up, Emry and Gyunay participated in the Knights of Columbus free throw contest.  Only one other kid also competed.  Emry won and got to go on to the regional competition.

At the regional, he ran into kids that really practice free throws, so now he knows what he needs to do if he wants to do better next time.  He enjoyed it.  He also enjoyed his game Saturday, where he played really well.

Gyunay just finished his side-by-side art class, where an adult or teen pairs with a special needs student to create art.  He had a gallery display on the last night.

He was excited to show off his pottery and painting.  Also, they had cookies, so that was appreciated by all of the kids.

Goodbye, Sheep


My sheep went back home Saturday.
We are all sad, including the dogs, who can't seem to figure out where the sheep went.

We really enjoyed having the sheep.  If I had a pasture and a barn....

Saturday, March 1, 2025

February Harvest Totals

 Eggs - 102

Jalapenos - 2

Lettuce - 1 cup

Peppers, Bulgarian - 2