Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Getting ready to garden!

We started some seeds in the sunroom, and they are taking off!  The ones in the foreground are brussel sprouts and broccoli, which both like cold weather and so are doing great.  Some of the tomatoes have just started sprouting, too.  I have one Box Car Willie, an Amish Paste, a Better Boy, and an Old German popping up.  They are small but growing.  The cucumbers and zucchini are looking good, too.  Some of the stevia is also starting to show up.  All in all, I'm very excited with how our start-from-seed experiment is going.  I plan to move some of the broccoli outside next weekend, because they actually like the cold and it says you can move them out several weeks before the frost-free date.  (But I'm keeping some in the sunroom in case they die!)  The boys helped plant the seeds, and Elijah helped label the tags.  Malachi is in charge of watering, and he's really good about keeping up with it.  Nathaniel tilled the garden patches last weekend and dug the poision ivy out of the strawberry patch, so things are getting ready.  I cut out dead plants from the flower beds, and we have purple crocus blooming!  We also have some yellow/orange, and white.  The daffodils are almost ready to put on a show.  Spring!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this makes me very very happy! And reminds me that it's time to get going in my own yard!
