I just finished A Reason to Stay by Kellie Coates Gilbert. The main character, Faith, had a rough childhood and has poured herself into her television career. She falls in love with pro bass fisherman Geary Marin, and although both are in love, they seem to have problems from the start. Faith is contemplating divorce when a tragic event lands her in the hospital and she is forced to reevaluate everything.
The story is told by alternating between the present and Faith and Geary's past together. At first, the transition between present and past was a little jarring, but I got used to it fairly quickly. Faith is a complex character who has never really let go of the past that still haunts her. She assumes her way is the only way. Geary, too, assumes that the way his family does things is the only way, and these assumptions play heavily into their marital issues. I thought that the story was realistic, and the failure to communicate well is an issue that is portrayed well. The details in both Faith's journalism career and in the hospital give the story great credibility. I had a hard time putting down this emotional book, and I highly recommend it.
I was given a copy of the book by the publisher, Revell, for the purpose of writing a review, but all opinions are my own.
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