Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A Major Accomplishment

Lydia and Gyunay decided to work on letters today.  Gyunay has been trying (without any real success) to write his name for about a year and a half.  He's done fairly well tracing his name, but producing the letters is a huge challenge for him.  They worked and worked, with Lydia giving him really descriptive ways to remember how to form the letters.  When he got one letter right, they would keep it and move on to the next one, until they presented me with this! 

I told Lydia that she is a fabulous teacher.  He has worked with special ed preschool teachers, regular preschool teachers, and me, but this is by far the best he has ever done!  Her descriptions were so good, too, that he could understand how to form the letters.  For example, for G, she told him to start a circle and then cut it off (with a dramatic hand slash, so he would know to put the line inward).  He made an extra G because he really liked that one.  They were both so proud of this accomplishment.

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