Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bubble Trouble

Last week, the boys went to a library program called "Bubble Trouble".  They did a really cute craft that involved making fish out of plastic bubble wrap.  They really enjoyed this craft and asked to do it again.  So I looked around the house for some bubble wrap, and sure enough, I found a piece.  I cut out circles and triangles and one square.  The boys paint the bubble wrap on the "bumpy" side and then press it onto the paper like a stamp.  One circle and one triangle make a fish.  Malachi used a square and a triangle to make a house.  There are so many possibilities.  I set the boys up on the deck today while Lydia is asleep so they could create to their hearts' content (and I could have a quiet house for the baby).


  1. This is cool & we almost always have bubble wrap. Great idea. Love the boys' hair. I bet it is so cool in this heat!

  2. Love it! I had Alaina paint a piece of bubble wrap last week and then press papers on top to make a print. She loved it...but I never thought to do it this way. We will have to try it!
