Thursday, July 8, 2010


This morning I did it.  I painted my kitchen orange.  And I mean ORANGE, as in so bright my husband claims it makes his eyes hurt.  I love it.  I don't have any pictures yet, because I want to wait until I get another coat on it.  Covering up the stenciling the previous owners did is taking quite a bit of paint. 

Now I just have to figure out exactly how I'm going to incorpoate the blue I want as an accent color.  Fun stuff.


  1. Can't wait to see the orange kitchen!! I was gonna call you today about planning a lake trip and see if you knew James and Phillip are both coming to Indiana-tomorrow? Love ya!!

  2. Love it! This reminds me of my "gilbert leaf green" bedroom when I was a kid. Also, your red and black bedroom, and my white and black striped bedroom. We've always had a thing for the dramatic wall colors haven't we? LOL!

  3. I know! How could I forget how much fun we had painting your bedroom gilbert leaf green? (And how many times your mom had to scrub green paint off the floor where we'd stepped in it and walked around!)
    I was surprised when Nathaniel said I could paint the kitchen orange. He pointed out that I've painted at least one room per house some outrageously bright color!

  4. Yay!!!! Can't wait to see it! You're so creative you will definitely find ways to throw your blue in there!

  5. Could never forget about mom scrubbing the floor...after our paint fight. =) We totally rocked it with gilbert leaf green hair. Haha!
