Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another Easy Thanksgiving Craft

Last Thursday, the boys went to Afterschool Adventures at the library and came home with a cute craft:

It's hard to tell, but they took little pumpkins with the stem area hollowed out, and glued a candle there.  Then the kids glued little berries, leaves, twine, etc to decorate it.  The boys were thrilled with it, and they will make a great centerpiece for a Thanksgiving table!

In other news, my passport came!!  I'm very excited about our anniversary trip to Italy in March.  I never thought I'd be thankful that Nathaniel earns so many miles traveling for work.  

I've been very busy with my etsy shop lately, and I'm excited that I've been able to add to the adoption fund.  Sales have been picking up for Christmas, and I've been adding new things.  It's been fun.  I'm also working on some Christmas gifts, and I'm still painting my kitchen cabinets white.  So much to do!  And we leave tomorrow for my inlaws for Thanksgiving.  Whew!  It's busy here, but going well.  (I really wanted to have the cabinets done before Thanksgiving, but I there's no way that can happen, because even if I got the painting all done, we need to special order two hinges to replace the broken ones, and then spray paint all of the cabinets' hinges.  So hopefully, that will all happen in the next couple of weeks.)

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! 

P.S. We've been intentionally working on talking about how many blessings we have and what we're thankful for lately, and so if you get a chance to talk to the kids, be sure and ask what they're thankful for.  Sometimes it's the usual (family, friends, dog, etc) and sometimes it's funny and surprising.

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