Saturday, May 29, 2021

Garden Updates


Although about 2 dozen nectarines fell off the tree in the last downpour, many are still there.  I am hoping that we get some tasty fruit this year.  Also, Lydia is looking forward to these:

This is a gooseberry plant.  I've never actually had a gooseberry, but Lydia and my nieces have enjoyed the neighbor's berries before, and Lydia begged for gooseberry plants.  I planted 5.  Three survived, but only one has fruit (the other two are tiny and not likely to bear this year).  I hope to sample one before Lydia eats them all.

The thyme is blooming!

We harvested all of the meat birds, and I gave two pullets to a friend, so we are down to 12 young birds, 8 of which are roosters.  I opened the door to the coop, so they are interacting with the big hens now.  They are all getting used to each other.

The pea pods are liking this cooler weather.  They are really quite pretty:

I've had a few pods, but most are not ready yet.  I love pea pods, so they don't last long around here.

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