Thursday, October 10, 2019

Fall in the Garden

Since it was so dry the last few months, the chickens have not been happy with staying in the third chicken yard, since the normal amount of greenery is mostly brown.  They've been escaping to my garden a lot.  Normally, our first frost hits around next weekend, so that is usually the end of the tomatoes for me.  Since the chickens kept escaping and munching on the green tomatoes, I finally picked most of the green tomatoes from the arch garden and let the chickens have the run of the yard.  They are very happy.  I have a peach basket full of tomatoes.  I hope at least some of them ripen.

Panther and I sat out in the yard for a long time yesterday afternoon, watching the chickens.  He likes to stretch out his claws over me, but he never claws me.  He's pretty fond of me.

Most of the green beans are done.  I've got a cushaw growing, and a couple more pumpkins.  I don't know if I'll get to harvest them or not, since they aren't near ripe.  It all depends on the weather.  I've gotten a lot of carrots lately, and we have more growing.  Fresh carrots are the best; their flavor is amazingly beyond anything you can get at the grocery.

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