Wednesday, June 29, 2022


 Release the Quacken!

The ducks and the turkey are buddies.  They enjoy spending time together every day.  They also hang with the chickens.  I let them into the swing set yard when I'm around to supervise.  Otherwise, the chickens eat my seedlings in the gardens.

I don't know what was so exciting under these weeds, but the ducks loved this spot.  I'm guessing slugs, since we have a lot of those, and ducks are supposed to love them, but I'm not sure.

My friendly turkey is getting bigger.  She's very inquisitive.

And lastly, Lydia loved drama camp last week.  Here is one of her groups after performing two songs from Pirates of Penzance:

Lydia had a small speaking part in addition to the singing and dancing.  She did great.  In the second session, Lydia did improv in front of a live audience.  My girl's got skills!


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