Sunday, September 22, 2024

Amaranth, Puzzles, and the Mall


I told the kids that amaranth is edible when they saw it in the history center's garden, so Lydia promptly pretended to eat it.  The boys couldn't be left out, so I had to take a second picture:

I've done a couple of puzzles lately.  The first was this bunny puzzle.  I think I'll stick to puzzles that are square or rectangular in the future!  Also, it was brand new, and was missing 2 pieces:

The box did say "approximately 1,000 pieces", which I thought was weird.  Maybe they meant it literally.

After that, I needed an easier, more straightforward puzzle, so when I saw this one at a yardsale, I knew it was for me:

"Walk Like an Egyptian" was going through my head every time I worked on it.  I really enjoyed amusing myself with this puzzle, because I am quite familiar with the items from Tut's tomb, so I was having fun showing off to myself by recognizing items.  Fun times.  My daughter assures me that I'm a nerd, and I don't dispute this.

And then, today, I took Lydia, her friend, Gyunay, and Emry to the mall.  I've never taken Gyunay or Emry to the mall, ever, so they had a great time exploring the stores and feeling rather big.  Here Gyunay was making the turkey gobble at me:

Both boys had a great time.  Emry said his favorite part was smelling everything at Bath and Bodyworks.  Gyunay agreed that he loved that, but he couldn't pick a favorite because he also liked exploring the Gamestop and the story that sold unusual candy.  

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