Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Freshwater Jellyfish

Did you know that there are freshwater jellyfish in Indiana?  I thought they were pulling my leg, but it turns out that it really is a thing, and the lake was full of them at Family Camp.

Freshwater jellyfish are tiny, but they don't sting, so it was really cool.  Lydia and Gyunay loved picking them up and holding them in a bit of water in the hand.

We had a good time kayaking and canoeing.  Lydia stuck to her kayak the whole time.  She was delighted by the jellyfish.

Gyunay started off in our canoe, but he later decided to kayak on his own.  He really enjoyed doing it himself.

Emry bounced around a lot.  He started in a kayak, then into a canoe, then to a different seat in a canoe.

It was a beautiful day, and we enjoyed a good hour and a half of time on the lake.  The boys ended up pretty wet from paddling, so we headed back to the cabins to change afterwards.  


  1. How have we never heard of jellyfish in Indiana?! So glad they don't sting!

  2. They were so cool! I really thought it was an urban legend or something, but they were everywhere!
