Tuesday, May 21, 2024

End of Year Happenings, O My!

 Lydia has been really busy this month She had another display of her pottery in the art gallery at her school, which all of us and all four of her grandparents got to see.

 She had her first violin solo recital:

And a concert with a band:

Plus, she had a strings only concert last night, and Malachi was able to play along on the final song.  He was elated.  That boy loves to play orchestra.   He will get to play with some old classmates on Thursday, and he's looking forward to that.

Lydia also made a Victorian sponge cake, according to an 1800s recipe, as part of her presentation on Victorian cooking for her history class.  The cake (and presentation) went over well!

The history center barn started their weekend programs, and the boys were happy to grind corn again:

They also have a pulley set up to raise a bale of straw.  The boys are encouraged to try to pick it up without it first, then they get to use the pulley.  Gyunay was able to raise it all by himself.

Emry has no trouble using the pulley; we just have to tell him to go slow!

They also enjoyed using the little water pump.

Malachi and Pilot have been enjoying having some time at home and seeing friends between working their summer jobs.  Elijah is still working fast food but will have a change soon.

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