Wednesday, May 29, 2024



The potatoes have been looking great.  Most are flowering now.  I just hope they look as good underground!
Also growing at the end of the potato row is a mound of volunteer cushaw plants.  I had a cushaw go bad, and I threw it here in late winter.  I hoped it would sprout come spring, and it did:

Speaking of growing, these kids have grown quite a bit:
We enjoyed our annual Memorial day weekend, but alas, the kayak trip was cancelled due to severe storms.  We were happy to have a beautiful day Monday, though. 

Some of the shenanigans were moved to my inlaws' new house.  It is 8 minutes away, so pretty convenient, and much bigger than our house, so we had plenty of room for games.  (Did I mention that they just moved here?  Yeah, that happened this month.)

I also broke out the shrinky dinks for the kids, and they were a hit.  Here are two of Lydia's snails, one before and the other after baking:

Finally, we had a field day on our last day of school.  The boys loved it!

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