Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Kentucky Down Under!

 We went away for the weekend.  I rented a house for us all, and we explored the area around Mammoth Cave.  First up, we had a fantastic time at Kentucky Down Under:

Emry, Malachi, Lydia, and I enjoyed feeding the lorikeets.  The others just watched.  Perhaps they didn't want birds on their heads.

Then, the main attraction: we got to pet kangaroos and wallabies!!!

This little shy albino wallaby loved Lydia and spent a lot of time with her:

See the baby in the pocket below?

I think Nathaniel's favorite was the baby cow, though:
And Lydia was especially excited to see their Coati:

We had a fantastic time at Kentucky Down Under.  We were there for about three hours, and everyone enjoyed it.  More posts from our mini vacation coming soon!

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