Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Mammoth Cave

 In part two of our weekend away, here is our trip to Mammoth Cave.  Emry, Gyunay, Nathaniel, and I went on the Frozen Niagra tour, while Elijah, Malachi, Pilot, Lydia, and the boys' friend Roman went on the Domes and Dripstones tour.

Our tour was very short, but it was cool.  Everyone enjoyed seeing the cave.

On our last day, we went to Mass, hurried back to check out of the house, and then headed to Abe Lincoln National Park.
Emry and Gyunay worked to complete their Jr. Ranger requirements in the museum.

And I tried to get a picture of Nathaniel by the sinkhole, but as you can see, it turned out very weird!

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