We signed up for a limb difference event near Columbus, Ohio, so we went to the Columbus Zoo the day before.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Adventures in Columbus
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Book Review - Until Our Time Comes by Nicole M. Miller
I read a lot of historical fiction, and a lot of nonfiction history, too, so I was intrigued by this debut novel Until Our Time Comes, which is set in Poland during WWII. If you know anything about Poland during WWII, you know that it was a very, very bad place to be. This novel does not deny that, but it does not dwell in graphic depictions. As for the characters, it was easy to like Bret, the British agent. His character was that of the protector and hero, and he tries to live up to that throughout the book. Adia is a bit more complex. She does seem to care more about the horses than the people several times, although her care for others is displayed throughout the book, particularly in her concern for children. The story is well-written, and it is a strong debut novel. The Polish people and Poland itself take a backseat to the horses in this story, and animal lovers will likely appreciate it. I appreciated the secondary characters very much, especially Ewan and Werner. Complicated relationships were common in WWII, and I think the author did a good job portraying some of those. As for the faith element, it is barely present, but it is a clean book. I'd recommend this for readers who enjoy historical fiction. This is a strong debut, and I would read author Nicole M. Miller's future works.
I received an advance copy from the publisher, Revell, but all opinions are my own.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Coop Repairs
We've lost another hen, and despite all efforts, we have not caught the culprit, so Malachi and I went into secure-the-chickens-like-Ft. Knox-mode.
Friday, July 12, 2024
Pilgrimage, a Dress, and the Kids
Five of the kids and I were able to take a small part of the National Eucharist Pilgrimage that is going on now. Four routes carrying Jesus in the Eucharist started from four points in the U.S. Our route started in Texas, and perpetual pilgrims have journeyed all the way from Texas to Indianapolis for the Eucharistic Congress next week. We got to take part in a Mass at the Cathedral and then a one-mile portion of the pilgrimage.
In other news, the youngest two still love going to the History Center garden. They eagerly do more work for her in half an hour than they do for me in a month, but at least they are occasionally excited about gardening.
Friday, July 5, 2024
Family and More
Monday, July 1, 2024
June Harvest Totals
It's still too soon for tomatoes, but I am starting to get produce!
Bok Choy - 2 c
Chickens - 11; 74.7 lbs
Cucumbers, Edmondson - 4
Cucumbers, green - 1
Eggs - 247
Garlic Bulbs - 39
Lettuce, Red Merlot - 2c
Potatoes, red - 3.6 lbs
Potatoes, yellow - 1.3 lbs
Radishes - 32
Turnips - 11
Plus some handfuls of strawberries, gooseberries, radish pods
Herbs - mint, thyme, sage, rosemary, oregano, parsley
The egg harvest is a bit down, because we had 2 mama hens. We had 3 chicks, and I was so happy watching them all putter around the yard.