Friday, July 12, 2024

Pilgrimage, a Dress, and the Kids

 Five of the kids and I were able to take a small part of the National Eucharist Pilgrimage that is going on now.  Four routes carrying Jesus in the Eucharist started from four points in the U.S.  Our route started in Texas, and perpetual pilgrims have journeyed all the way from Texas to Indianapolis for the Eucharistic Congress next week.  We got to take part in a Mass at the Cathedral and then a one-mile portion of the pilgrimage.

Another pilgrim offered to take our picture outside St. Augustine's Church, where the portion of the walk we joined ended.  Elijah and Malachi were very anxious that I would collapse on them, but I held up just fine.  We walked to St. Augustine's with the others, but then we had to walk back to our car by the Cathedral, so it ended up being about 2 miles total.  I was tired, but we made it!  I just went home and rested for the rest of the day.
Also, notice my dress in the picture.  I made this dress over the last couple of weeks.  I'm so happy with how it turned out.  It's knit, so it's comfy and cool, so it was a perfect choice for the walk.  I used a tutorial and pattern from a blog to make it.( )  I've never really been able to sew adult clothes that turned out halfway decent, with the exception of the nightgowns I make for myself, so this was a big accomplishment for me!

In other news, the youngest two still love going to the History Center garden.  They eagerly do more work for her in half an hour than they do for me in a month, but at least they are occasionally excited about gardening.  

And my in-laws took the boys to a splash park we've never visited:
They had a good time, although it was cloudy and not in the 90s, so Gyunay was a bit cold.  We'll have to go back one of these super-hot days.

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