Monday, July 1, 2024

June Harvest Totals

 It's still too soon for tomatoes, but I am starting to get produce!  

Bok Choy - 2 c

Chickens - 11; 74.7 lbs

Cucumbers, Edmondson - 4

Cucumbers, green - 1

Eggs - 247

Garlic Bulbs - 39

Lettuce, Red Merlot - 2c

Potatoes, red - 3.6 lbs

Potatoes, yellow - 1.3 lbs

Radishes - 32

Turnips - 11

Plus some handfuls of strawberries, gooseberries, radish pods

Herbs - mint, thyme, sage, rosemary, oregano, parsley

The egg harvest is a bit down, because we had 2 mama hens.  We had 3 chicks, and I was so happy watching them all putter around the yard.

Unfortunately, something (probably a raccoon) killed all of them, mamas and babies.  We are very bummed.  I think we have reinforced the coop, and the rest of the chickens were safe and accounted for this morning, but we have not yet caught the culprit.  

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