Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Adventures in Columbus

 We signed up for a limb difference event near Columbus, Ohio, so we went to the Columbus Zoo the day before.  

You all probably remember that Lydia wants to be a zoologist.  Jack Hanna is one of her favorites, and he was closely associated with the Columbus Zoo, so it has been on her must-see list for quite some time.

The zoo did not disappoint.  We spent 5 hours there!  We saw some animals we had never seen before, including a wombat:

It was so adorable!  And naturally, we need to get out Diary of a Wombat.  What?  Every household does not have a copy of this picture book?  Then you must go to the library and get one.  Seriously, I don't care how old you are, it's a cute book.

We also spent quite a bit of time with the manatees.  I played the VeggieTales song "Barbara Manatee" for the kids on the way there, so it is naturally still stuck in my head. 

Lydia and Emry were especially taken with this guy:  
He's a chuckwalla.  I think Emry mostly loved the name, and I can't blame him.

With the Jack and Suzi Hanna statues:

When we went to go into the Jack Hanna Village area, it was closed off, and we quickly saw why:

It was capybara walkabout time!  No problem, we went and petted sting rays:
Then, we went back to the village, where the capybaras were now back in their enclosures.

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