Sunday, August 4, 2024

July Harvest Totals

 Well, things are starting to look better on the harvesting front.  

Beans, crescent - 9.1 oz

Carrots - 7

Cucumbers, Edmondson white - 9

Cucumbers, green pickling - 2

Cucumbers, NC white - 2

Cushaw, harvested as summer squash - 3

Eggs - 275

Lettuce, Red Merlot - 2 c

Potatoes, red - 10.8 lbs

Potatoes, yellow - 2.1 lbs

Radishes -2

Tomatillos - 1.3 lbs

Turnips - 3

Also, cherry tomatoes (scant), basil, thyme, parsley, mint, sage, and oregano

Also, while we were at Camp HALO, Lydia said, "Look!  Our family prayer is on the wall."

We have always told the kids that this was the prayer Papaw liked to sing before meals with the family, and she didn't realize that it wasn't literally only done by our family. We still say it periodically, in thanks to God and in memory of Papaw. 

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