Saturday, August 29, 2015


Last weekend, I made this hanging storage rack, but Nathaniel didn't get it hung up until yesterday, since he was in Nebraska earlier in the week.  I used plans from Lowe's Creative Ideas magazine, and I painted it white to match the trim.  Basically, all of our crap was on the three little hooks on the brown mirror, and piled onto the chair to the left.  So now, there is actually a place for all of these things.
Of course, I originally thought the kids could maybe hang their jackets here, too, but with the backpacks, lunchboxes, sling, library bag, etc, there aren't too many places left.  Oh well. 
I've been happy to get some produce from the garden, but cantaloupes eluded me this year, mainly due to raccoons:

I have started doing some basic fermenting, with the new lid attachment seen here:

It's from Fermentools, and it makes it very easy to start a batch of sauerkraut and just forget about it until it's done a week later.  Note: I just put the jar outside for pictures; it's not kept out in the sun!  Anyway, I made 2 pints of sauerkraut last month (one green, one purple, both delicious).  I just bought one of the fermentools, so I can only make one jar at a time.  This jar is quart-sized, and it holds about a half of a medium-sized red cabbage.  I plan on trying some other ferments in the future.  And, yes, I used to hate sauerkraut, but I've grown very fond of it as an adult.  It's funny how tastes change on you.

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