Saturday, April 27, 2019

Gardening 2019

I've been pretty busy in the gardens lately, in between the rains.  As usual, I'm trying to grow more vegetables than I have room for. 
This picture turned out pretty blurry.  It's the old treehouse site, which now has 1 pecan tree, 1 dwarf mulberry, 4 blueberry bushes, 1 rhubarb crown (also shown up close below), 2 hills of cantaloupes, and lots of bok choy and arugula.

These pretty tulips are just getting started.  My early tulips are done, but we have new ones starting to blossom.  You can barely make out the bluebells in the background, which are also blooming now.

This is part of the hugelkultur, which is covered in pea plants but also has loads of arugula, some tomatoes, sunflowers, pumpkins, cabbages, and maybe some sweet potatoes if that late snow didn't kill all of them.

This is one of the two square foot gardens.  This one has mostly kholrabi, but also some radishes and peas.

I planted potatoes in grow bags.  This one is Irish Cobbler, and it is the best looking right now, but the others are also growing well.  I need to add more soil to this one.  I planted three different kinds of potatoes this year.  The others are Kennebec and Red Pontiac.  All of the seed potatoes came from our local Feed and Seed store, which is convenient as well as inexpensive.

I just transplanted the tomatillos outside.  I grew them from seed, and as you can see, they are very healthy plants.  I've got loads of tomatoes in the ground, too, but some of them aren't looking as healthy.  I started them much earlier than usual, and I think they were needing to get into the ground.  I am hoping they look better in a week or so.

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