Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Shooting Fish

Over Labor Day weekend, we headed to my parents' cabin to attempt to shoot fish.  

Asian carp have taken over both Kentucky and Barkley lakes, and people desperately want them out.  They've even let in commercial fishing groups with big nets to try to get rid of as many carp as possible, but the things multiply too fast.
  Dad has taken up a new sport, since bass fishing is no longer possible due to the carp eating them out of the lakes.  Now Dad is taking up shooting fish.  Actually, my brother is the one who has actually been shooting the fish with the bow, but Dad drives the boat.  Anyway, we wanted  a shot at it, but the lake was busy with pleasure boaters, and the carp were hiding deep, so we never actually got to shoot at any fish. 

We did have a great time, though.  We all love just being at the cabin.

The corps lowered the lake just before we came, so the dock was dry.

Mom bought a new game called Pling-Pong that we played on top of the pool table.  It's basically a family-friendly version of beer pong, I guess.  (I've never actually played or even seen beer pong, but I've heard of it.)  

It was a huge hit, and all ages enjoyed playing it.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had fun. Wish the carp would have come out to play.
