Wednesday, July 1, 2020

June Harvest

Blueberries - 1/4 c
Carrots - 2
Eggs - 146
Garlic bulbs - 78
Garlic scapes - 7
Kale - 3 oz
Lettuce, leaf - 2.5 lbs
Pea pods - 3 lbs
Peas, shelled - 1/3 c
Potatoes - 2.1 lbs
Radishes - 8
Radish pods - 7.3 oz
Raspberries - 1/4 c
Strawberries - 5.5 c

Plus, lots of chives, cilantro, dill, mint, oregano, sage, and thyme

The strawberry, pea pod, and radish pod rates are actually higher than listed, because theses things are most often eaten raw right out of the garden.  The eggs went down, but we lost a hen, so it's not a shock.  By far, that is the most lettuce I have ever grown, and there is more that I will harvest this week.  The potatoes were disappointing, as usual.  I did eat one ripe cherry tomato, and it was divine, but there are no new ones in sight for a while.

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