Sunday, February 5, 2012

Broody Hen and A New Skirt

The boys are very excited that we have a broody hen.  One of the buff orpingtons, which the kids named Sol (Spanish for sun because she's yellow) is sitting on 7 eggs.  She started yesterday, and continues to sit, so the kids are hoping for baby chicks.  I'm pretty sure it takes 20 days before they'll hatch, but I have to double check in a chicken book. 
In other news, I made Lydia a new skirt.  She says it's a dancing skirt, and she wore it to church today to rave reviews.  I plan on making more for sale in my etsy shop.  It's my version of a half-circle skirt, and I'm excited with how it turned out.  It has an elastic waist, and yes, it is great for dancing since it has enough fabric for some swishing action.
She loved posing for the camera, as always!

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