Thursday, July 11, 2019

A Possum Named George

While we were gone last weekend, a small animal got in between chicken wire where the zip ties were missing and ate 2 chickens.  Nathaniel set the trap, and we got our possum.  Lydia promptly named him George.  (She also took all the pictures in this post.  She loves to take the camera.)

Here is George stressed as we begin his move.  A friend of mine wanted a possum in her yard because they eat lots of ticks, so she came and got the possum and transported it to her home.  Operation possum went well, and he is now free and wild several miles away from our chickens.

We have a very pretty rooster.  Lydia calls him Henry.

You can see Peek next to her mom.  Mama hen is not really caring for her anymore, but the chick stays close most of the time.  The other chickens mostly leave her alone; she's part of the flock now.


As you can see, the garden trellis is slowly being covered.  

We are still waiting on a ripe tomato.  I'm hoping later today or tomorrow is a possibility for a couple of them.

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