Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Chicken Escape Artists

Over the weekend, Nathaniel and Elijah put netting entirely over the larger yard because the chickens have been escaping, and I can't very well start a garden if they are constantly eating the seedlings.  There is one area just by the door that is open, for the door to swing in.  We will have to change that, as one hen immediately hopped up through it on the second day, and by the third day, 4 other hens had followed her out.  (She's not that bright; it's just where she has always jumped out of the fence.)  

In other chicken news, our oldest hen, Go, died yesterday.  She was Gyunay's favorite, and the only one he named.  He asked me to bury her so the vultures wouldn't eat her.   Lydia requested that the hole be deep so the raccoons wouldn't dig her up.  They really do understand the predator/prey lifecycle.  So I buried a chicken, and I even put a couple of logs on top, so hopefully nothing digs her up.  

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