Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hi all

I'm really not ignoring the blog, but I've been having trouble posting pictures.  Nathaniel's going to look at it for me, but he hasn't had a chance yet. 

I have a picture of poor Katie.  My in-laws' dog ripped Katie's left eye out of the socket while we were visiting for Thanksgiving.  The vet sewed it back in, but she's wearing a cone to keep her from scratching it for two weeks.  We are hoping it doesn't get infected.  Katie hates the cone, but she loves getting her medicine in hot dogs.  Overall, she's handling it better than expected at this point.

The boys' church Christmas play is fast approaching.  I hope it's going well.  They know the songs, and I think they are really starting to get their lines.  We listen to the CD at home to help it all sink in.  Lydia's going around singing the songs, so that's a good sign.  (She has her own songs to sing for the program, simpler ones.  That is going to be cute, too.)

Our chickens have been confined to the small yard, since the hawk is still about.  We only have 3 hens and 1 rooster now: Crest, Leaf, and Squatch (the barred rock, also called "Squatty") are the hens, and Puff is our rooster.  I think we'll buy some chicks in the spring, unless one of the hens surprises us and goes broody.   That would be ideal, but Leaf and Squatch have never went broody before, and Crest is at least half Leghorn, and they typically don't go broody, so I don't think the odds are good.

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