Thursday, January 23, 2014

Seeds, Glorious Seeds!

Baby, it's cold outside, but look what came in the mail today!!!  Yes, I've been very happily thinking about seeds and gardening and other spring things.  I even started a Garden Diary today to keep track of my plants and things.  Lydia helped me plant some lettuce seeds in the house in 2 pots today.  The ones we had growing in the sunroom succombed to the bitter cold temperatures we've been having.  (It got up to 10 today.)  The aloe plant died, too, and we'll have to eventually replace that one.  But it's cozy inside, and despite the fact that the kids and I have been cooped up in the house together all week, it's going really well.  It may be that the school year will go on forever, though, as these days and the others will have to be made up at the end of the year.

The kids were pretty excited about the seeds, too.  They've each decided which plant they want to be the first to taste: Elijah picked cucumber, Lydia the "fat carrots" (Paris Market carrots) and Malachi the blue corn.  It will naturally be a long time before any of these can be tasted, but I'm glad they're excited.

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